Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Boost your Immune System with Chiropractic Care

As we are approaching winter, I thought it would be fitting to write an article on how chiropractic can help you boost your immune system and how regular adjustments can reduce your chance of becoming ill or if already ill ,it can assist with healing you much faster .  Here is a quick breakdown of how this works.

Your nervous system works together with your immune system to create optimal responses for the body to adapt and heal appropriately. When your spine goes out of alignment and stresses the nervous system, it causes compression and irritation of the nerve pathways that lead to a poorly coordinated immune response. This affects the organ systems of your body and in turn leads to an altered measure of immune function and increased susceptibility to a variety of diseases.  Your nervous system controls all of your organs including that of your lymphatic system that produce that body immune response.

A two year study was conducted at the University of Lund, in Sweden by Ronald Pero, Ph.D.  He is an internationally respected cancer researcher who demonstrated the positive affects of Chiropractic care on the immune system by studying 96 people who had received ongoing chiropractic treatment. He looked at their overall health and immune indictors and found that regardless of age they had a 200% increase in their immune system development and function.  These studies suggest that chiropractic treatment can influence the B&T lymphocytes, NK Cell numbers(Natural Killer Cells), anti-body levels as well as your Beta-Endorphin levels, leading to a better immune response and viruses and bacteria being destroyed.

Analyzing your spine for irritation and correcting it with specific adjustments reduces stress on the nervous system, optimizes the immune response and reduces the chance of you getting sick.

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