Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Rehab of Low Back Pain; Steps, Goals and Exercises

Steps for lower back rehab:

1. Abdominal bracing
2. Hip flexor stretches/ releases
3. Stability exercises
4. Static postural muscle exercises
5. Gluteus muscle strengthening
6. Dynamic stability exercises
7. Abdominal crunches (without hip flexor activity)


1. Begin activating the abdominals
2. Decrease the forward pull of the hip flexors
3. + 4. Strengthen and test the appropriate
           muscle groups in the correct posture.
5. Change amount of forward tilt of the pelvis by
    activating the abdominals and gluteal stabilizers
6. Decrease the amount of required spinal
    extensor activity (injury to posterior joints)
7. Decrease excessive lumbar curvature


1. Static abdominal activation with breathing
2. Lunges and quadriceps stretches
3. Bosu ball stability exercises
4. Planks/ bridges
5. Opposite extensions/ superman’s/ kick-backs
6. Lunge with rotation
7. Abdominal specific crunches (activate the glutei while doing crunches) 

Consult a qualified practitioner or trainer before embarking on a new training or rehab program. 

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