Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Description of Exercises

These Rehabilitation exercises aim to create stability initially and then test and exercise it with varying amounts of stability and a motion. Once basic exercises and movements are mastered more complex movement patterns can be attempted. Eventually even when stressed the Abdominal Muscles and Glutes work to stabilize instead of sudden Back and Hip Flexor (Iliopsoas) contraction which causes injury.
Chiropractic care Corrects the position of the joints and controls muscle tension. Movement patterns and Rehabilitative exercises help to prevent further or future injuries. Maintenance care follows and should test and examine the boundaries of ones fitness so that you know when you're likely to injure yourself and can take action before getting sore.

1. Abdominal Activation whilst Breathing

  • Are you able to breath and Maintain Abdominal contraction?
  • Place one hand on your abdominal muscles and the other in the small of your back and focus on maintaining your abdominal contraction whilst changing your breathing pattern.
  • You should maintain Abdominal contraction during all exercises irrispective of your breath... this teaches you to maintain stability even whilst tired. 
  • Exercise 7 can be done as a precursor to learn the initial activation or the Abdominals.

2. Lunges and quadriceps stretches

  • Stretches the Iliopsoas and Quad muscles the antagonists to the Gluteal Muscles.
  • Hold for at least a minute on each side
3. Bosu ball stability exercises. Standing Balance Exercise

  • Learn to create a functional connection between the trunk and pelvis and stabilize the body.
  • This can be done with eyes open and closed, on both and then one foot and on various unstable surfaces such as sponges or bosu to increase the difficulty.

4. Planks/ bridges

  • Lift your Pelvis and hold the position
  • Maintain Abdominal and Gluteal Contraction
  • When comfortable with maintaining the position on two feet; lift a foot by straightening the knee and keep the position without allowing the opposite hip to drop, To do this you need to use your stabilizers.
  • Keep your Pelvis in position whilst changing legs. How Stable can you make the transition?
  • A sponge under the feet or back can make the exercise more challenging later on

5. Opposite extensions/ superman’s/ kick-backs

  • Hold Pelvis Still with Abs and Glutes.
  • Start with one arm and the one leg and do opposite leg and arm only when technique is correct.
6. Lunge with rotation

  • Lunge first with good posture and arms forward.
  • Make sure your knee stays in front of your hip inline with the foot and doesn't buckle inwards, if you are unable to maintain the knee position don't progress to rotations.
  • Rotate to the open side first. progress to the closed side when the open side is mastered. Maintain posture and trunk control with your Abdominal and Gluteal Muscles.
  • If Technique fails stop!

7. Abdominal specific crunches

  •  Lie on your back with your feet on an exercise ball, bend your knees and press downwards on to the ball.
  •  If the pressure on the ball changes start again. This is more important than the Crunch!!! If your Glutes are working you eliminate your Iliopsoas from contracting, this makes it specific because you cant bend from the waist.
  • Hold Abs tight and use them to do a small Crunch; the idea is to isolate and teach you how to contract your Abs.
  • Can do rotations to each side to activate the Oblique Muscles too.

All Exercises should be done with the correct technique and should not cause any pain!
There are no set number of reps or sets, technique is what determines how many to do. A difficult exercise should not be attempted unless you're able to master the basic variant.
Should you require further explanation, supervision, or would like to discuss these exercises please don't hesitate to contact me.
Chiropractic Adjustments correct the position of the joints to make these exercises more comfortable and prevent injury (Correction/Rehabilitation/Maintenance).

Rehab of Low Back Pain; Steps, Goals and Exercises

Steps for lower back rehab:

1. Abdominal bracing
2. Hip flexor stretches/ releases
3. Stability exercises
4. Static postural muscle exercises
5. Gluteus muscle strengthening
6. Dynamic stability exercises
7. Abdominal crunches (without hip flexor activity)


1. Begin activating the abdominals
2. Decrease the forward pull of the hip flexors
3. + 4. Strengthen and test the appropriate
           muscle groups in the correct posture.
5. Change amount of forward tilt of the pelvis by
    activating the abdominals and gluteal stabilizers
6. Decrease the amount of required spinal
    extensor activity (injury to posterior joints)
7. Decrease excessive lumbar curvature


1. Static abdominal activation with breathing
2. Lunges and quadriceps stretches
3. Bosu ball stability exercises
4. Planks/ bridges
5. Opposite extensions/ superman’s/ kick-backs
6. Lunge with rotation
7. Abdominal specific crunches (activate the glutei while doing crunches) 

Consult a qualified practitioner or trainer before embarking on a new training or rehab program.