Benefits of Chiropractic Care during pregnancy
Hello, in
today’s blog article, I want to discuss chiropractic care and pregnancy and the
benefits associated with it, I am sure that not everybody is aware of
them. Pregnant women usually come
to alleviate back pain, but there is a lot more to Chiropractic when it comes
to pregnancy.
pregnancy there are a lot of physical and hormonal changes that take place in
preparation for the baby. In this
article I want to discuss both the physiological and endocrinological/hormonal changes
and how it affects you and the baby, and how the Chiropractic profession can
assist in dealing with them.
The various
changes in the pregnant body result in changes to the Pelvis, a protruding abdomen and
increased lumbar curve and a number of postural adaptations.
This often leads to
pelvic misalignment and imbalance. When the pelvis is misaligned it reduces the
amount of room available for the developing baby, this external force
obstructing the babies normal movements is known as intrauterine constraint
and can lead to problems.
A misaligned
pelvis also makes it difficult for the baby to get into the best possible
position for delivery, reducing the chances of having a natural, non-invasive
birth. Posterior positions can lead to C-sections
Chiropractors believe that the nervous system
is the master communicator to overall functioning of the body, including the
reproductive system. Keeping the spine aligned helps the entire body work more
There are physical changes and hormonal
changes that take place, when falling pregnant, the body starts producing more estrogen
and progesterone to sustain the pregnancy, this causes muscles tone to
decrease and your ligaments to become more lax, resulting in vertebral misalignments which
that can worsen morning sickness, nausea, gastric reflux and all other symptoms
associated with pregnancy.
When the spine and pelvis are in alignment, the
body can work to its full capacity, thereby curbing the dreaded symptoms of
Chiropractic treatment can assist during pregnancy and can also assist with the healing
process after pregnancy, by correcting misalignments that may have occurred during pregnancy and any postural problems and back pain resulting from breast feeding and bottle
feeding and picking up baby .
care is a safe (drug-free), effective practice during pregnancy and can be
administered as early as the first tri-mester. In the next blog, I would like
to discuss Chiropractic and its benefits for babies.